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Training Centre Policy


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Image of TBFSN Approved Centre Application document

1 Centre Organisational chart

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

2 Role Profiles Assessors and IQAs (Job Descriptions)

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

3 Health & Safety (and risk assessments)

3.1 Statement

Tall Building Fire Safety Ltd is committed to delivering excellence in service and performance to meet its strategic objectives.

Ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of employees and students as a cornerstone of the learning experience.

A strong safety and wellbeing culture supports our business objectives and is consistent with commitment to making a positive impact on the Tall Building safety sector.

We achieve this by;

  1. Doing all that is reasonably practicable to prevent injury and study related ill health.
  2. Operating an effective management system using the best practice identified in the HSG65.
  3. Compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements and working to best practice in areas not regulated.
  4. Engaging and consulting with the business support team, tutors, students and facility providers to ensure inherent safety and wellbeing.
  5. Providing training, information, instruction and adequate supervision during training.
  6. Using Tall Building training venues with policies and systems that provide safe and healthy workspaces.
  7. Adopting continuous improvement by the recording of safety incidents during teaching events and any lessons learnt.

4 Health & Safety Roles, Responsibilities and incident reporting

4.1 Head of Centre

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Head of Centre, Russ Timpson, to ensure that this procedure policy is implemented, published and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties

The Health and Safety Statement is available in Tutor and Learner packs.

4.2 Tutors

Tutors have responsibility for ensuring the information is understood by their immediate learners and that all Safety Incidents are notified to the facilities management and reported as soon as possible using the Centre Safety Incident Report.

4.3 Learners

Learners are expected to notify their Tutors of any Safety Incidents and familiarise follow the standards instructions in the facility they are attending.

5 Risk Assessment

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

6 Specific Safe Working COVID 19 arrangements

The courses provided by Tall Building Fire Safety Ltd are designed and structured to be suitable for a virtual learning format.

If a public health tier system is in operation, the Head of Centre will postpone face to face learning and revert to a virtual format.

7 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Structure

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

8 Equal Opportunities/Equality & Diversity

Tall Buildings Fire Safety Ltd are committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in all aspects of work and study. We recognise that individually we all have differences of some sort, from which we can share and learn. The broader a range of people we employ, the wider a perspective we can adopt; a diverse faculty not only ensures that we are legally compliant, but makes good business sense.

We ensure the avoidance of direct and indirect discrimination and that all tutors, Learners and relevant third parties are treated fairly at all times.

Monitor the potential impact of our policies, procedures and practices.

Remove potential barriers to access, participation, and achievement of students and staff by making reasonable adjustments where appropriate.

Create inclusive learning and working environments and practices that promote respect for all.

Create environments that prevent and challenge stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and harassment and disadvantage.

9 Equality and Diversity Roles, Responsibilities and incident reporting

9.1 Head of Centre

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Head of Centre, Russ Timpson, to ensure that this procedure policy is implemented, published and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties.

The Equality and Diversity Statement and Confidential Complaint Form is available in Tutor and Learner packs.

9.2 Assessors

Assessors have responsibility for ensuring submitted work is Valid, Authentic Current Sufficient and Reliable.

9.3 Tutors

Tutors have responsibility for ensuring the information is understood by their immediate learners.

9.4 Learners

Learners are able to raise any Equality and Diversity issues using the Confidential Complaint Form.

10 Reasonable Adjustments & Special Considerations

When a learner notifies us of the need for additional support to participate in an activity due to a disability, we will make reasonable adjustments to enable participation: this may be to work, study or use of facilities (including ensuring our facility provider has a compliant policy).

11 Assessment Strategy (Centre policy and programme-specific strategy)

To provide the skills, knowledge and behaviours to manage fire risk and to create and maintain the 'golden thread' of building fire safety information in unique and complex Tall Building scenarios.

This course will ensure;

Recognition of the implications of fire on Tall Buildings

Understanding fire safety management requirements specific to Tall Buildings;

12 Centre Assessment Criteria

Formative assessment;

Group working

Tutor Q&A

Self-directed work book

Summative -referenced assessment;

20 x Multichoice Question (MCQ) Closed Book

2 x 500 word Short Answer Essay Questions

13 Internal Quality Assurance Strategy

13.1 Centre Policy and programme-specific strategy

Course equipment and facilities are assured by the Head of Centres selection of a suitable Tall Building for 'physical' courses and through joining instruction information for 'virtual' courses.

The maintenance of quality of course content and delivery is established with the adoption of a Plan Do Check Act quality cycle of development for the centre, teaching faculty and assessors to ensure continuous improvement.

The use of student and faculty feedback is collected to debrief each course within 14 days of assessment deadlines, with development points recorded in a Corrective Actions Record or Personal Development Plan (including recommendations from approving centres).

Relative Corrective Actions Records are shared with the approving body (including physical access) to ensure the approved centre criteria are maintained.

13.2 Internal quality assurance of assessor quality

The assessment strategy ensures validity, reliability, authenticity, currency and sufficiency through;

  • Professional discussions
  • Supporting evidence for Tutors and Assessors
  • Tutor Observation
  • Internal quality assurance of teaching quality
  • Assessor Observation

A marking pro forma is used in order to show how the marker's decision is arrived at. Comments provided on pro forma should help candidates and moderators to understand why a particular mark has been awarded.

Assessment quality is assured by;

  1. Anonymised marking;
  2. 10% re-marking schedule to check grading;
  3. Fails and borderline scripts are double marked;
  4. A set 'Time Budget' for the marker;
  5. Desk based Internal Quality assurance.

12 Fair Assessment

14.1 Recognition of Prior Learning

Prior knowledge of health and safety, fire risk assessment and tall building management is preferred, but not a requirement.

14.2 Marking Scheme

A marking scheme designed to help students know what is expected of them.

Requiring the student to demonstrate a minimum standard of competence for reasons related to professional accreditation requirements.

Assessment criteria are precise enough to ensure consistency of marking across candidates, compatible with a proper exercise of academic judgement on the part of individual markers.

An analytical marking approach (awarding marks for each part of the answer) is used.

14.3 Student feedback

The marking scheme includes helpful and constructive feedback for the learner to give a realistic sense of how they did, what they do well and what they need to focus on to support and promote effective learning.

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

14.4 Marking Proforma (Example)

An Assessment Pro-forma is used to maintain consistency and provide quality assurance.

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

15 Appeals

Appeals can be made against marking decisions and should be brought to the attention of the Head of Centre, IQA and/or Awarding Body using the Centre Appeals Form for a formal assessment result and classification.

Learners wishing to appeal must do so within 14 days of receiving the disputed assessment decision and are advised to keep copies of all documents relating to the appeal.

The Head of Centre will respond to appeals with 14 days of receiving the disputed assessment.

If the Learner is not satisfied with the outcome they can appeal directly to the 'Awarding Body'.

16 Appeals Roles, Responsibilities and incident reporting

16.1 Head of Centre

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Head of Centre, Russ Timpson, to ensure that this procedure policy is implemented, published and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties.

The Appeals polices and Centre Appeals Form is available in Tutor and Learner packs.

17 Malpractice (Candidate)

Suspected cases of candidate malpractice must be reported to the Head of Centre.

Inappropriate behaviour during an examination, plagiarism, collusion, copying, unauthorised materials in assessment rooms.

Confidential Complaint Form

18 Maladministration (Centre Malpractice)

Suspected cases of centre malpractice must be reported to the Head of Centre.

Confidential Complaint Form

Misuse of assessment or inappropriate adjustments to assessment decisions.

Insecure storage of assessment instruments and marking guidance. Or Awarding

Failure to keep candidate coursework secure.

Falsifying records/certificates, for example by alteration, substitution, or by fraud.

Failure to adhere to centre approval requirements.

Failure to maintain appropriate auditable records e.g. certification claims and/or forgery of evidence Withholding of information, either by deliberate act or omission.

Failure to adhere to, or incorrect application of, any awarding body policy in relation to reasonable adjustments and/or other special considerations.

19 Conflict of Interest

Employees are required to identify financial interests or connections, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the courses or assessments or the conclusions to the IQA or Awarding Body.

20 Complaints

The registration and organisational arrangements include the instructions identifying the method and opportunity to raise issues of concern by;

  • making a complaint is as easy as possible Confidential Complaint Form;
  • we deal with it promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially;
  • we learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review annually our complaints policy and procedures.

We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally, and dealt with quickly. Our aims are to resolve informal concerns quickly by keeping matters low-key.

21 Complaint Roles, Responsibilities and incident reporting

21.1 Head of Centre

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Head of Centre, Russ Timpson, to ensure that this procedure policy is implemented, published and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties.

The Malpractice and Maladministration polices and Confidential Complaint Form is available in Tutor and Learner packs.

21.2 Tutors

Tutors have responsibility for ensuring the information is understood by their immediate learners.

21.3 Learners

Learners are able to raise any Malpractice and Maladministration policies issues using the Confidential Complaint Form.

22 Learner Course Information and Application

Information, advice and guidance is provided is provided to Learners and potential Learners in comprehensive joining instructions, social media and website (attached).

23 Confidentiality

Tall Buildings Fire Safety Ltd will ensure that all confidential records remain confidential and information will only be disclosed with the prior explicit agreement of the individual involved.

24 Record systems (records, tracking progress, auditing and learner identification)

On application learners are identified by a Student Unique Learner ID (SUL ID) Year/Course/Initials e.g 20-01-CR.

Contact details and assessment outcomes and relevant additional qualifications are maintained in the record.

The course application and joining instructions are used to confirm the learners identify.

25 Data Protection

The policy sets out how Tall Buildings Fire Safety Ltd will process the personal data of its staff and learners. This policy applies to all personal data regardless of format.

Tall Buildings Fire Safety Ltd will only collect and hold the minimum data for the express and explicit consent of students using the GDPR principles;

  • Lawfulness and fairness
  • Data minimisation
  • Accuracy
  • Storage limitation
  • Security, integrity and confidentiality

Once consent has been given, it will need to be updated where the Centre wishes to process the personal data for a new purpose that is not compatible with the original purpose for which they were collected.

The Centre informs data subjects about how their personal data will be processed in transparent, concise, easily accessible, easy to understand and written in plain language within the joining instructions issued for each course.

Data collected at the point of course registration will be accurate and held securely and processed in an electronic format and used for continuous professional development by subscription (with system for unsubscribing is available)

Assessment data will be retained for the maintenance of a competence register for a period required by relevant accrediting bodies.

Data will not be transferred other than for Internal and External Quality Assurance (including appeals).

Data will be secured by appropriate technical and organisational measures against accidental loss, destruction or damage, and against unauthorised or unlawful processing.

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), has been undertaken to help identify and minimise the data protection risks involved in projects, processes and activities involving the processing of personal data.

25.1 Tall Buildings Fire Safety Ltd DPIA

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

25.2 Data Protection Structure

Image from Tall Buildings Fire Safety Network Approved Centre Application

26 Data Protection Roles, Responsibilities and incident reporting

26.1 Head of Centre

It is ultimately the responsibility of the Head of Centre, Russ Timpson, to ensure that this procedure policy is implemented, published and accessible to all personnel, learners and any relevant third parties.

The reporting of personal data breaches and Data Breach Report is available in Tutor and Learner packs.

26.2 Assessors, Tutors and employees

Tutors and employees are responsible for ensuring the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data processed in their role. They must ensure that they follow all the procedures.

Confidentiality: means that only people who need to know and are authorised to process any personal data can access it

Integrity: means that personal data must be accurate and suitable for the intended purposes

Availability: means that those who need to access the personal data for authorised purposes are able to do so

All personal data breeches must be report at the earliest opportunity using the electronic form provided .

27 Agreement

I have read and been informed about the content, requirements, and expectations of this policy for the Approved Centre. I have received a copy of the policy and agree to abide by the policy guidelines.

I understand that if I have questions, at any time, regarding this policy, I will consult with the Head of Centre.

Please read the policy carefully to ensure your understanding, before signing this document.

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